The Creation Story
Answer | What’s the question? | My illustration or found image |
| What did God create on the first day? | 
Creatures filled the seas | What was something God thought that was good for the seas? | 
Beautiful and good | What are those two words created by God that describe his creation? | 
God rested. | What did God do after he finished his creation on the 7th day?
The second day | Which day was it when God said “Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place so dried ground may appear.” ? | 
Sun and moon and stars | What are the two lights separated from each other and what are the little objects in the sky painted by God? | 
Day three | Which day did God talk about the different seasons and time of the year?
A male and a female | What are the two genders created by God so they could reign over the seas?
The waters above and the waters below. | Where are the waters on earth and in heaven?
During lockdown I watched a video called The Creation Story. This work that I have created is all about it. The answers were already shown as we write down questions that conclude to that answer. The right column is all about our illustrations or pictures we found on the internet.
Lockdown Reminder: Stay safe, be safe
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